Magmi is simple but yet powerful tool which allows to import products in Mangento store in seconds. It has separate
MoreHow to forward Nginx incoming request to Docker container port
Some time ago we decided fully migrate projects on one our server to Docker. There was no problem write Dockerfile
MoreSinon assert vs Chai assert
Main idea One day I was covering my code with tests and take note that Sinon also has an assertion
MoreServerless Lambda code for stop/start RDS instances by schedule – Part 2
In the first part of articles we prepare Terraform configuration for deploy, run and log our Lambda function by schedule.
MoreStop and Start Amazon RDS instances by schedule with Terraform, Lambda and CloudWatch – Part 1
Introducing As you might know, AWS billings at the end of the month can be slightly frightening, but there are
MoreHow to test AWS Lambda function
If you as me and want to test some new feature on AWS but don’t have a time to read
MoreDebug your PHP code on Remote Linux server using PHPStorm and xDebug with its port forwarding through SSH
One e-commerce site had a very strange issue, it stop working as expected after cache cleaning. This issue appeared only
MoreRestore MySQL dump on AWS RDS through Bastion host
Very often I need to restore MySQL dump on AWS RDS. The best way to do it is to use
MoreLinux: How do transfer Data between two Linux Mint machine using LAN?
Sometimes situation happens when we need transfer big amount of data between two Linux Mint machines, and one solution for
MoreSend emails through AWS SES from console using SwiftMailer
Testing Email Sending Using the Command Line Verifying a Domain With Amazon SES Setting Up Easy DKIM for a Domain
MoreRebuild docker image and push to AWS ECR
Login to docker docker login Login to AWS ECR (try skip this step) AWS_PROFILE=terraform $(aws ecr get-login –no-include-email –region eu-central-1)