On production we have two separate services for web and cron but for some testing it was needed to run
MoreCategory: Development
DBviewer: CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is required
When trying to connect to MySQL from DBeaver as well as other client programs and services, the error CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH is
MoreHow to SSH to your Docker Container through a Chisel TCP Tunnel
It is considered a bad practice to connect to a Docker container through SSH, because everything should be done through
MoreFaceted Search or how to build multi-level filtration on MySQL
When you browse through a shop it’s really useful to use this Faceted Search Filters. You just choose concrete filters
MoreConfigure development server with Docker
It sometimes happens to setup development server for team with support many Docker environments. Why is it Docker? It’s easy
MoreValidate uploaded file with Symfony Constraints
Symfony is a flexible framework and not always is possible to find the best solution for your task, but sometimes
MoreSinon assert vs Chai assert
Main idea One day I was covering my code with tests and take note that Sinon also has an assertion
MoreRestore MySQL dump on AWS RDS through Bastion host
Very often I need to restore MySQL dump on AWS RDS. The best way to do it is to use
MorePHPStorm: How to debug TypeScript
Some time ago, I’ve started to work with Node.JS and its TypeScript. No one serious project get around without debugging.
MorejqGrid: Formatting Data Example