On production we have two separate services for web and cron but for some testing it was needed to run
MoreCategory: Docker
Configure development server with Docker
It sometimes happens to setup development server for team with support many Docker environments. Why is it Docker? It’s easy
MoreHow to forward Nginx incoming request to Docker container port
Some time ago we decided fully migrate projects on one our server to Docker. There was no problem write Dockerfile
MoreRebuild docker image and push to AWS ECR
Login to docker docker login Login to AWS ECR (try skip this step) AWS_PROFILE=terraform $(aws ecr get-login –no-include-email –region eu-central-1)
MoreDocker on AWS – Part 3 – Creating an ECS Cluster to host the Docker Image
In the previous post, I was following the AWS "Docker Basics" tutorial. Near the end there was a comment that
MoreSetup xDebug with Docker. PHPStorm & VSCode configuration
Add next config to your Dockerfle